At the end of the day it's all about what we get OUT of InDesign that matters. Whether you're printing proofs to your printer or exporting to PDF, you have specific settings for your environment. In t ...
Libraries have been used in page layout applications for years. InDesign CS2 has one of the best implementations of Libraries, however, InDesign CS2 also introduces Snippets. In this episode Terry Whi ...
InDesign's Eye Dropper Tool offers more than meets the eye. With InDesign CS2 you can sample just about anything thing and re-apply it over and over again. In this video we'll learn how to sample colo ...
OpenType fonts are the new standard! Any new fonts you buy today will most likely be in OpenType format and the beauty is that InDesign CS2 takes complete advantage of them. In this video you'll see h ...
Every time you place an image in InDesign, chances are you have to execute a fitting command to make it fit in the frame or area that you specified. In this video of the Creative Suite Podcast Terry W ...
Are you tired of manually number you pages in InDesign CS3? This video shows you how to automatically number pages and chapters in multiple InDesign documents. Check out this cool video by David Blatn ...
This video shows you how to create and update a table of contents for one or more documents in InDesign. You learn how to manage formatting options and how to hide text that needs to appear in a table ...
Creating footnotes could be troublesome. But not in InDesign CS3. This video shows you how to insert footnotes in InDesign, including how to manage options for numbering, formatting, and layout. ...
Want more control of your transparencies? This video shows you how to apply independent opacity settings for objects, fills, strokes, and text in InDesign. Check out this video by Anne-Marie Concepcio ...